Monday, September 29, 2008

Bulgarian Desert Triguni "Mariana"

I made this Bulgarian desert "Triguni" - triangels for our anniversary. I got the recipe few years ago from my cousin Mariana. It was very tasty and easy to make desert.
The filling ingredients are:
2 eggs,
8 tbsp. sugar,
2 tbsp. flour,
1/4 tbsp. baking powder,
about 1 cup of choped walnuts,
2 tbsp. melted butter.
Combine everything together and you have a cake like mixture.
This is how the filling looks like. :)

I used half of one box of filo dough that had two packets inside. You start assembling individual pockets or triangles, using 2 sheets filo at a time, fill with about 2 tbsp mixture in each one. Lithely butter on top with melted butter and bake till golden brown in 350 F. They look like that when they are done baking:

Let it cool! Step away :) ! Now make the surop: 1 liter of water and 2 cups of sugar. Boil it and when the sugar disolve you can poor it over the cold pastry. Let it soak all the surop! After it cools off move them into in the fridge and enjoy! Priaten Apetit!

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