Saturday, January 10, 2009

I am joining "Quiltathon '09"

I decided to join the Quiltathon weekend. It is snowing here in PA. It is a perfect day to spend sewing. I made breakfast, lunch will be leftover chicken soup. I am ready to go, made special Bulgarian coffee in my little espresso maker and drinking coffee in the mug - I got for Christmas from my brother in law Bret. I am working on blocks for the border for my blue and yellow quilt.
Happy Sewing everyone!


  1. Hi Zkaty

    Your new background and snow picture is just lovely. So creative.

    Enjoy that nice cup of Bulgarian coffee and have a have wonderful "quiltathon"!

  2. *yawning and stretching* you could pour me a cup of that if you want! i'm about to start on the next batch of blocks here. what'll you be doing today?


Thank you!