Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Strawberry Shortcake Quilt

Just a quick post to let you, my readers, that I am still here. Let me tell you, I am just HOT, from being 8 month pregnant and running after 17 month old busy little girl! :) 

I wanted to share this cute little quilt I made for her. I will post some picture of the quilted quilt later. I quilted for first time  with bubble fleece. It went pretty smooth. 

Until next time,

Happy sewing everyone and stay cool! :) 


  1. Adorable quilt! My daughter is 32 and STILL loves everything Strawberry Shortcake.

  2. I'm so glad to see Strawberry Shortcake return! Your quilt is precious, good luck with baby number 2!

  3. So nice to see you pop up Zlaty. Pleased you are keeping well. Stay cool.
    Love the little Strawberry Shortcake quilt.

  4. Oh I can sympathize!! I too spent a summer very pregnant & very hot (having younger dd on Aug 29) chasing a 3 year old!

    The quilt is adorable! Hope you're feeling well?
    Take care... Denise

  5. Very cute quilt! Stay cool, it won't be much longer until you can hold your new baby in your arms.

  6. Super lovely quilt! I love the patches and Strawberry shortcake. :D

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Thank you!