Saturday, October 30, 2010

Quilts from the Heart of Berks

Two week ago I was at Berks guild quilt show. I finally got around to posting. I saw a lot of pretty quilts and I met one of mine blogging buddies - Gunda from . We had lovely time chatting and I hope we will meet again. She is very nice and very talanted!

Sit back and enjoy the show!

The quilt above is one of my favorite quilts! I love the ocean and the quilter did an excellent job embellishing the quilt.

The quilt above is a part of Pat and Arlan Christ antique exhibit called "Stars and Bars".

I hope you enjoyed the quilt show!


  1. Looks like a great day out.
    Hope you are keeping well.

  2. Oooh love the quilts, thanks for posting them! ;)

  3. Thanks for showing these great photos!

  4. Thanks for that compliment, but your are much more talented then I am. I think I need to finish some projetcs and visit your mom-in-law's shop for show and tell. I will call her before to make sure, you will be there. Hugs Gunda

  5. Beautiful quilts! Thanks for posting them.

    I found you through Micki @ Irish Muses.

    I live in Bedford Co, PA and have visited Hamburg with my husband. We went to Cabela's, of course!

    Come visit my blog

  6. Hello I came here from Mikey's blog. I enjoued seeing all of these beautiful quilts. It's amazing all of the lovely patterns that can be created through talent and inspiration.

  7. What wonderful quilts and thanks for sharing. Your Star post is up so enjoy, and thanks again!

  8. Great quilts and great pics! Thanks!

  9. Ooooo.... Awesome eye candy indeed Zlaty! Thanks for sharing! 8-)

  10. Thanks for taking us all to the show with you. There weere some fantastic quilts.

  11. Thanks for a nice show and tell, Zlaty. It is always fun to look at show quilts. Congrats on being a special blogger on Micki's blog.

  12. All of the quilts are gorgeous. I loooooove the grey one. Thanks for sharing them with us.


Thank you!