Friday, November 12, 2010

Shop Hop Quilts and more ...

I am very proud to be part of these amazing quilts, that my mother-in-law made for Eastern PA shop hop. She owns "Happy Sewing Room" and she did outstanding job designing the quilts! She made a wall hanging "Spring time Sue" and "Floral Fantasy bed runner". You can read more details for the shop hop here.

I machine quilted both quilts with a panto with butterflies, tulips and flowers.

If you have wonder why I haven't post in while, it's because I have been quite busy. Not the good kind of busy. My blood sugar came out high and they diagnosed me with gestational diabetes. I have to test my blood sugar 7 times a day and take insulin shots before meals. The good news are that the baby is doing well so far and they will be monitoring her very close, so I hope everything will be fine.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Oh so glad they are taking care of you and the baby!!! You take this seriously! I know you are!

    I LOVE your mother's quilt with the Sunbonnet Sue! She is my dear favorite! Such a pretty quilt!

    The butterfly design is wonderful!

  2. Sorry about the diabetes. Hope it's all nicely under control.

    I love the quilting you did on your mothers quyilts.

  3. The quilts are just beautiful. Both my parents were diabectics. You take it easy and take care of you and the little one.


  4. Oh dear, that's nothing I love to read. Hope you fell ok.
    The quilt is so awsome, hope I make it next week up to Hamburg.
    My workschuedle sucks at the moment
    Hugs Gunda

  5. Take good care of you and your precious baby! My daughter just had the glucose test this past week (she's at the six month mark) and we're waiting for results. Love your quilting; beautiful work accentuating beautiful quilts!! :)

  6. Sorry to hear you have got GDiabetes. Hope you keep it under control. Both my DD had it and they and baby were fine.
    Beautifuk Sun Bonnet Sue Quilt.

  7. Zlaty, the shop hop quilts are beautiful and I love your butterfly machine quilting.
    Take good care of you and your little girl. We love you!

  8. Wonderful quilts, amazing quilting! Well done. Please do take good care of yourself, glad to read that your little one is fine; not much longer now.

  9. Hi Zlaty!!! Wow! You have long shop hops down your way!!! Read that on your M-I-L's blog... Here we only have them for a 4 day stretch, with 6 shops involved...
    The quilts look great, and you did a wonderful job with the quilting! Very nice! 8-)
    Sorry to hear you've been having to deal with some issues... Good to hear that your babe is doing well, and that the are monitoring you... Hope it all goes well...
    Sending prayers for you...

  10. Your quilts are amazing. Take care of yourself and I am wishing you and your baby the best. Hope all goes well!


Thank you!